Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Do as I say not as I do. . .
The other helpful hint I can give (even though I know many people will not take this advice) is to finish your group presentation BEFORE spring break. I mean have the document written and the power point completed before heading to the beaches. I guess I should modify this advice and say before Thanksgiving break. After these holidays, this assignment is so easy that it is hard to pay attention to when you have final papers and test looming around the corner.
Bottom line is that you should try to finish all assignments as soon as possible despite their due dates. If you do this the class will be a breeze.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Ethics Research; The Titanic
In my research with my partner we found one White Star Line memo that spoke about the removal of valuables from the bodies that were recovered. While the memo referred to people as bodies and not some disassociating term, it did dehumanize the situation by setting up a limit to how much could be recovered from the bodies by one person and the penalties if the limit was exceeded. This shocked me and makes me wonder what happened to the bodies of those who lost there lives on the Titanic. It is very possible that everyone was not identified and that there is an unmarked grave somewhere. This is very interesting to me because it is an aspect of the tragedy that I have not seen in movies or read about in books and I would be very interested to learn more about this subject and why it is so often overlooked.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Ethical Environments
When you think about it, students tend to get very distracted by a teacher’s methods and policies. Many students actively search out so called “easy teachers”; this is evident because of the website entitled “rate your professor”, a website where students can say whatever they wish about any teacher. I noticed the other day a graduate student arguing with a professor about a late assignment. The student’s argument was that she should just be docked points for the late work because that’s what most teachers do for late work. The teacher argued that this was not her policy and the assignment would not be accepted at all after the turn in date. The whole situation made me reflect on how as students we may have become accustom to leniency from professors. I don’t know if I think that it is unethical to accept late work; but it is interesting how many of us would expect work to be accepted with a penalty. Is it unethical for a teacher to not take attendance, allow for a formula sheet during a test, or allow students to make up missed work? I don’t think I would label these as “unethical situations”, but I do know that rules have been bent so often that we students have come to expect them to always be bent even though a teacher has every right to follow these rules to the letter. I wonder how this all will affect us in the workplace, will we expect and accept rules being bent? Will we notice when these bent rules are actually large lapses in ethical practice?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Paper vs Pixels
When writing on the Web it is essential to use headings and plenty of spaces between paragraphs. These two techniques make the document easier to read and navigate. Links and attachments are also ways to include additional or further information in a clear and concise way. Pixels are definitely the way to get your ideas out quickly to a lot of people.
Paper, on the other hand, still has strength that make it the better medium choice. Subconsciously, most people consider paper to be the more formal of the two mediums; invitations, proposals, and announcements are received as being more sincere and meaningful when presented on paper. When using paper you can easily add a personal touch that makes the receiver feel that they are important to you. This is possible when using pixels but it definitely take a little more effort.
Both paper and pixels can be used effectively if they are presented in a way that is appropriate to the medium.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Spring Break?
Our "vacation" started on Thursday, the day after I signed a new lease agreement for a new apartmen, with a five hour drive to Savanah. The drive was riddled with the normal array of short tempered disputes since both of us highly dislike travelling. Then once there I realized that I was the only person in our group that was not a member of Tiger Platoon wich ment that I was left alone quite a lot as they did practices, traditional group dinners (members only), and of course there was the parade that they lined up for at 8 AM and got finnished with by 2:30! Next year either Torrey is going by himself to this thing or I am bringing friends so that I'm not alone. After the parade, we spent a few day in Savanah but it honestly wasn't that much fun.
Monday and Tuesday we spent moving my stuff from my storage unit in Charleston to my new apartment in Clemson. (not fun) and of course since it took two days instead of the intended one b/c one of the guys that helped us decided that he had to go to the beach. So we all got in the car after loading the Uhaul and headed out towards Folly beach with my beagle, whom I might add despises car rides. Two and a half hours later we manage to get unlost and find the 47degree warm beach. After the boys and dog had their fill of froliking we returned to my mom's house (in 15 mins) where she procedded to tell me that we where not alowed to to drive that "thing" in the dark. One nights sleep, 4 hours drive and a parking ticket later we arrive at Clemson. My car tags were expired so I then spent the next day faxing documents to my mom. And of course none of this was complete without Torrey being yelled at by his mom because we got to Greenville Wednesday instead of Tuesday.
Thursday morning we boarded the plan to New Orleans. The trip to Louisiana was amazing and I got to see my family for a few hours and eat some really good food. We arrived back Sunday night to TWO apartments that were distroyed (one looking like a Uhaul had thrown up in it).
That sums up my break (minus a few parental confilcts)... man I could use a vacation!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Mock Interview
This week’s mock interview was slightly helpful. I realized that I do give a good interview. With a little research and preparation I can give a great interview. However I also realized that in my field this is not going to be enough to get me a job. I can be a great person, easy to talk to and have amazing ethos; however without a good or even decent portfolio there is no way I will ever get a job.
The criticism on my resume was extremely helpful, mostly because there wasn’t much criticism given. This gave me a great confidence boost. I had been really self conscious about my resume because I do not have any work experience; but now I realize that I can list my academic accomplishments and community contributions.
While listing my community contributions on my resume I have come to realized that I really do have something to show for the last few years despite the fast that there was no pay check involved. This is probably one of the largest mental hurtles that I have conquered during the last year and I know that I am only that much more self confident because of it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
When the assignment was explained on Monday, I was really excited because I thought that it would be a great opportunity to get my documentation together for the last few weeks of studio work. Unfortunately, I received the sign-up sheet last and therefore I only had 48 hours to put this presentation together.
Last semester my class in Charleston spent at least a month developing a sleek and powerful PowerPoint presentation. This was both a great help and a great hindrance to my presentation last Wednesday. It was helpful in that I already knew exactly how I wanted to present my presentation. It was a hindrance because I had great expectations for my presentation and its quality. I was also daunted by the fact that I had already gotten the idea into my head that I would present my current project and ask for feed back.
Amazingly, I was able to deliver a presentation that was decently put together and successful. If I had been given more time to prepare I think I might have been able to better gear my presentation to the concerns of my audience. For example, I don't think I really explained which parts of the master plan that I showed would most likely be happening (if any).
Of all the presentations so far, I think the one that best addressed the needs and or view point of their audience was the presentation given about how music can help us through a bad day. The presenter's name is not on his handout, but this short presentation delivered a positive message in a time riddled with midterm exams and I appreciated that. I also really appreciated getting a free Top Gun CD! :)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Cover Letter Inspiration
That being said these articles also brought to light the dire need to be proactive during a job search. A final paragraph which requests action from the reader and promises that I will take action in the event that they do not is a wonderful suggestion, and the example cover letter showed how such a thing can be written without sounding snobbish or aggressive.
I am now extremely excited about working on my cover letter and resume this week. Also, I think I have some really out of the box ideas about how to present them. Hopefully, these ideas will help me stand out in a field that is based on innovation and graphic presentation.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Job Interview Advice
The article about illegal interview questions simply identified commonly ask illegal questions and the laws that prohibit them. While it was interesting to learn about the specifics of the age discrimination law; I had really been hoping for more advice on how to anwer quesitons about marriage and childern. The only good advice the article provided was to strive to answer the intent behind an illegal question by restating the question in a legal format and then proceeding to answer.
Likewise the article on how to answer the toughest interview questions did not satifactorily advise on how to answere questions. Instead this article focused on the importance of these questions and the desierable impact of your answer. I am glad to learn from this article that the "silly question", for example "If you were an animal what would you be and why?", is really stiving to see how you act under pressure and in unexpected situations. Also, the article gave very good advice on how to answer the quesiton about where you see yourself in so many years. By answering this question baised on your values and acheivment goals the employer can get a better sense of where you want to go in life.
In the end both articles succeeded in making me realizes that at some point in the near future I really need to sit down and aswer these questions before I go into an interview.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Ten Years (Jan.27)
The first milestone for me in the next ten years will be my graduation in August. After that I plan on finding a job in a construction related field while I wait for the following May to arrive.
May 2009 is the month that Torr and I have decided to get married. He will be graduating that month and then get commissioned with the National Guard immediately afterwards. I will of coarse move with him and find a job near the base that he gets posted too.
After that plans get kind of blurry for me and Torrey. At some point I will make my way back to college in order to become a licensed architect later down the road. However, I don’t believe that I will be getting my license in the next ten years. Don’t get me wrong, I really want to be licensed, but starting a family and being with Torr are one step higher on my list of priorities.
The next ten years of my life will be focused on our family because I firmly believe that this is the strongest foundation one can lay for the rest of their life.
Belated Blog (Jan. 20)
For the person entering the workforce these new connections mean that the fraternity of “good-ol’ boys” no longer holds the key to any one person’s success. There are even sites that were created solely to match employees to employers.
For those in the workforce it has become easier to stay in touch with the most recent developments in their fields. For example, my mom is an X-ray Tech. and she is able to learn the newest technology for her field from her couch at home. This helps her to not lose her job to techs that have recently graduated college.
Overall the idea that prevailed the most to me throughout this video was that we have to rethink the way we set up databases so that this abundance of digital information can be successfully navigated.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
First Note
Fingers Crossed